After School Care with Transportation
Our Program
The daily Bee You Bee Happy Child Care Services schedule balances busy and fun activities with free time to enjoy with friends. Whether it’s learning a new skill or engaging in friendly competition, we offer something for everyone to enjoy.

The Bee Hive van will pick up Monday - Friday from Calavera Hills Elementary School.
Pickup Schedule:
M-T-W-F: 2:25pm
Th: 1:25pm
Homework and Snack Time
Your child will develop a love for learning in a safe small group environment. Allow your evenings at home to be stress free and have them participate in 'Worker Bees', a structured tutoring environment, for a small additional charge.
Snack time is a fun time at Bee You Bee Happy. We serve fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and cheese... and popsicles!

Extracurricular Activity
Our amazing arts, crafts and activity calendar is an integral part of our afterschool program. Your child will be invited to learn new art techniques, sports, games and team building exercises. We guarantee a fun and exhilarating time for all participants.
This component of our program encourages students to get out of their comfort zones, embrace new challenges, develop friendships and have fun!